Masters of Hardcore: When I have to relax really hard and the gym won’t cut it anymore there is only one option left; punching the air at a party such as Masters of Hardcore or Thunderdome!
Boardgame (Finstere Flure): I like playing boardgames. I prefer the long nerdy kind such as Shadows over Camelot, Twilight Imperium or Diplomacy.
The game displayed is a weird, German and a masterpiece. Let me know if you wanna play!
Beer: IPA’s at craft beer festivals, white beer downtown in summer, a normal beer in an old-fashioned café or a cheap can of lukewarm beer at a festival.
For every place and time there is a suitable beer!
Bouldering shoes: These worn out boys helped me puzzle my way up to the wall quite a few times.
Candy: What can I say, I really like candy!