Tools: I like to spend my weekends doing odd jobs at home, tackling major and minor renovations.
Rubik’s cube: I do love a fun puzzle. Everyone has one, and the 3x3x3 you learned in no time (my record is 30 seconds), then it’s time for a 4x4x4. Usually lies in the car (for in traffic jams).
Machine Vision: A syllabus from an inspiring professor (Leo Dorst) at the UvA. He enthuses and talks with his fingers. That’s where it started for me.
Pan lid: I also like to work with good tools in the kitchen. In this case, a cast-iron pan for a delicious stew in the cold days. No quick bite-snap but quiet (in the suds) cooking, and a nice smell in the house.
Laptop: Good work also needs good tools. In this case, a powerhouse with GPU and dualboot, (windows for administration, Linux for heavy work).
Gödel, Escher, Bach: Patterns are all around us, this book compares patterns from mathematics, art, and music. It’s a tough pill if you struggle with maths.